

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My first teaching

Actually the feeling was exciting, I never thought that someday I'm going to teach, but you cant deny the the fact that there still a little bit of nervous during of it. It is good to feel that you shared what you have learned from the start.

Teaching for me is very difficult but then, when i was about to start it feels good. Good, in a way that you share then you can say to your self, wow!! I learned pa la from the very start that I was begin in my study about computer and then I am here now, to share and teach what those I had gain during my time. At first, I can feel a bit of robust, but then, time would come and you can realize that you are enjoying in doing of it. Discussing, demonstrating, explaining and so on, that was the teacher.

It feels good, I remember thing that I've already forgotten for the long years. Before I got in the classroom to teach, I've really study about the topic, because if I'm not, how can I teach to them and demonstrate to them. It is nice to hear that your co-students calling your name, asking your help on how to do something.

Teaching is a one way of sharing or distributing your knowledge to others, to help them know things and also it help the teacher learned from the students what they don't know. Teaching experience for me was great, challenging and feel good. It help not only to the students but, also to yourself as the one who teach to them.